Monday, December 30, 2019

WordPress Me HTTP Request Ki Number Kam Karke Fast Banaye

WordPress Me HTTP Request Ki Number Kam Karke Fast Banaye

Hi Bloggers! , Today we are going to talk about HTTP request. I know that very few Hindi bloggers will know about it, what is an HTTP request? So, in this post we are going to tell you about it in details. If you are a WordPress user, then this post is very important for you. Because the wordpress site will tell about reducing the number of HTTP requests.
WordPress me http request ki number snkhya ko kam reduce kaise kare
Fast loading of sites is very important. Fast server and speed are already optimized in Blogger. All that is required is to select a better optimized template. But in wordpress we have to do all the work by ourselves to optimize site performance.
If the loading speed of a site is slow then it also affects the visitors engagement with SEO. Google always recommends optimizing the site to make fast loading. Because Google wants its users to be comfortable, when the site is fast loading, then Google will have no objection to indexing it on the first number.
You can experience this yourself when a site loading speed is slow, so much of our time is wasted and we want to know when to exit from that site. Similarly, if our site will be slow, then our visitor will also want the same. “When there is no customer coming to the shop, then what is the use of stuffing in it?” That is, we post in our site so that people will read it and when they do not read then we will not get the benefit.
Therefore all bloggers should optimize their site user friendly. Howerver, we are going to talk in this post how to reduce the number of HTTP requests in WordPress? With this, those who do not know about HTTP request will tell about it. So let's know –
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When someone tries to visit our site, files, image, etc are loaded from the server. This is called HTTP request. This request takes longer to load. This increases CPU usage and loading time. Due to which our site has many bad effects.
If you want to check your site's HTTP request, then visit the HTTP Requests Checker Tool. After that enter your site's URL and check.
Wordpress me http request number snkhya ko kam kaise kare
Now here in the result you can see that Images, Javascripts, CSS, Iframe, Font Family, Favicon will show the number. All this will take time to load. Therefore it is very important to reduce it by optimizing it.
Now we are telling you some tips and tricks, which you can make your site loading speed fast by following it.

Delete plugins that you compared use:

We all know that languages ​​like PHP, Javascript, CSS are used in Plugin. Using more plugin slows down the loading speed of our site. Everyone knows this. If you use too many plugins in your site, then the number of HTTP requests in your site will be very high.
When you install a plugin, when the plugin is run, the files of CSS, Javascript, image are also loaded for it. It sends an HTTP request to load. So, useless plugin which is not very important, then delete it. If you want to check which plugin creates HTTP request in the site, open your site in Chrome browser and add “View-source:” before the URL and open it. After that, you can easily find out by searching / wp-content / plugins / in the source code.

Considering use Gravatars:

If you use the default commenting system in wordpress, then Gravtar will also be enabled. If yes, then I would like to tell you that gravtar image is loaded from its official site. This increases the number of HTTP requests. The more people will comment on your blog, the gravtar image will be loaded and the more images loaded, the more the http request number will increase.
If you want to reduce the number of http requests in your site, then the best option in front of you is that disable gravatar. For its WordPress Dashboard »Settings» Discussion »Avatars Go to and uncheck the show avatars in comments option. In this way you can easily disable gravatar.
If you do not want to disable gravatar, then you also have a great option that you can enable gravatar image caching. This will add gravatar image cache to your hosting. This will create an HTTP request to the site but will be fast loading. Read this post for this. “WordPress Me Gravatar Cache Enable Karke Fast Loading Banaye” If you do not like this option then you can use a third party commenting system.

Remove Extra files from Theme:

The theme is very important to give a good look to the site. But with a good look in the site, the most important is good speed. When we choose a theme, at that time, we do not take many things into consideration. Whenever you buy a theme, remember one thing that the theme can boost your site loading speed and some themes can also make your site zero from hero.
At the time of theme selection, keep in mind that the size of the theme should not exceed 4 MB. If you choose lite theme, then it will be 2 – 3 MB. The lower the size, the better. You will know that Images, CSS, Javascript, Fonts, etc. in the theme. is added and when it runs in our site then these files are loaded. Which increases the number of HTTP requests to the site and site slow loading.
If you want, you can remove useless .png, .js, .css files from your theme. This will reduce http request but remember that only if you have knowledge or exprience of coding. Otherwise it is risk.

Remove emojis:

Every social media user will know about emoji. Because it is most commonly used in social media only. In this, a face is made for all kinds of actions. When it started to like it very much in social media, it has been introduced in WordPress version 4.2. If your wordpress version is 4.2 or greater then your site will have emoji load.
Everyone knows that if the site has an emoji load then the site becomes more attractive. But very few people know that when the emoji is loaded in the site, the loading speed of the site slows down. When the site has emoji enabled, the emoji script is loaded, whose size will be upto 10kb. It also increases HTTP requests in the site.
We wrote a post about it long ago, in which we told how to disable emoji in wordpress. If you want to reduce the number of HTTP requests from your site, disable it now. WordPress Me Emoji Load Hone Se Disable Kaise Kare

Host Fonts and other file on own Hosting:

I have seen many people that they load the font from other site. Due to this, when other server font or any other file is loaded in our site, the speed becomes slow. If you host the font in your hosting then HTTP request will be created but it will load fast.
I did not even know this before. Many people told me about it but I could not pay attention due to not getting time. Recently, I downloaded the font that I use in my site and hosted it in my hosting and it gave me much better result than before.
Not only font but no script should be loaded from other site. Some people also load Font Awesome from other cdn. I would also ask them to host themselves in their hosting.
All these tips will be helpful for you to reduce HTTP request. For this you should not load more images and script in your site. It would be much better to first check the source code of your site and optimize it accordingly. If the number of HTTP requests in your site is very high, then use the Lazy load plugin to load slowly.

Hope this post is helpful for you. Comment for this related question. Do share this post in social media.