Monday, December 30, 2019

8 Mistakes Jo Apke Blog ki Traffic Aur SEO ko Low Kar Dega

8 Mistakes Jo Apke Blog ki Traffic Aur SEO ko Low Kar Dega

Blogging is a very special source of Online Earning. Right now many people are blogging and many people make their own blog daily and start working in it too. I am going to tell you in this post that after starting blog 8 mistakes will reduce your traffic and SEO.
8 Galtiya jo apke blog ki traffic aur SEO ko low kar degi kam 8 mistakes that can low your blogs traffic and seo
Right now Blogging is famous all over the world and right now Blogging is becoming popular in our India too. Everyday thousands of people take their step in blogging with the idea of ​​making online income. But 20% out of 100% are blogger success. Yes, it is true that Blogging can be done by anyone. But not everyone knows that there should be success in Blogging. If you make a mistake in your life, you will also get to learn from it.
We make some mistakes when good traffic comes in our blog and SEO position is also right. This has a great impact in Blog's traffic and SEO. If you too are getting good traffic in your blog, then you should not make some mistakes. This can also result in the end of your blog.
I am sure that there are no bloggers who have not made any mistake during their blogging. Mistake is made by every human being and it is by mistake that human learns.
There are many such mistakes which can be caused by committing a lot of regret. It is possible that such mistakes can also happen to you. That is why we are telling you about some mistakes which you will not know and make such mistake later.
Now I am telling you about some mistakes. I hope that after knowing these mistakes you will be careful and will not make such mistakes.
Many people do some regular work after creating a blog and then become lazy. When you want to become your career in Blogging, then do regular work. Update new posts in your blog. By the way, no one has time yet. If you want to become a success blogger, then for this you have to manage time and leave time for blogging.
Those readers of your blog will like that you publish more and more posts in the blog for them. Keep a fix time to update Blog Post. If you post in daily or weekly blog, then your visitors will know that if you update the post every day or every week, then it will come in your blog on time.
If you work in regular blog and update new posts in it, then this will increase traffic of your blog and SEO will also be good.
Many Bloggers fall prey to copyright. If you put copyright post in your blog, then you will never be 100% successful. With this, your Visitor will not like to visit your blog because you share copyright information. Copyright means to completely copy the post from another's blog and publish it in your blog.
With this, if Google came to know that you publish the copyrighted post in your blog, then it will delete all the URLs of your blog from the search engine. Now you must have understood whether to publish copyrighted content in your blog or not.
I understand that during blogging, it is the biggest mistake to not download and keep backup of the blog. Let me tell you now that the backup of your blog should be taken daily, weekly or monthly.
If something has been mistaken while designing your blog or editing Coding and your blog is not working properly, then if you have a backup of the blog, then you can easily restore the blog and make it as old as possible. .
Now you can think about Blogger editing the code to customize your blog. If you do too, then I would suggest you to take a backup of your blog before editing Coding. Otherwise, your work may also go wrong.
In fact, even in the beginning, I used to change my blog template regularly. But at that time, I was probably unaware that how much effect it would have on Traffic and SEO. But now I have come to know about it, so that is why I tell you not to change the template of the blog. I can tell you clearly that when we submit to websites like Alexa, Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster, then it gives us some code which Asks to past which it submits and if we change the template then The code below will also be deleted so that there will be no data show in Alexa, Google Webmaster will not be able to index your site properly and even in Bing, your site will not be properly indexed.
If you have created a blog of your own, then in the first place you will say that you think in your mind what you know more about and what you like to give more information about. For example, if you give only information about Blogging, it will be better.
If you think that you are giving information in your blog, then you shared information related to food cocking in it, then in your experience, think whether it will be good or not.
Think that you have to go to the city to work and you are going every day and one day suddenly, there will not be office there, then how will you know.
Same as, if visitors are coming to your blog for a good day and if you suddenly change the domain of your blog, then how will your visitors be able to come to your blog. So that's why if you are going to change the domain, then please notify visitors a month in advance or redirect the domain. It would be better to use the same domain in the blog.
If you are using Adsense, then if you make a mistake in it, then it will have an effect on your Visitor and SEO.
Using more ads will slow the loading of your blog, this will affect SEO and if you use more ads then the visitor will know and will not like it.
Every visitor to your blog must have wanted that you use at least Ads in the blog. I will tell you that if you do not earn money from blogging, what is the benefit if you do not earn money, but everything has a limit. Show at least 1 or 2 ads inside the post in your blog. You can also use a sidebar.
Identifying fix Webmaster errors
The new blogger does the same way that after submitting the blog to the webmaster, he sleeps by selling a horse, he thinks that my site is getting indexed well in the search engine.
But this is his misunderstanding. If you do not follow the notification shown in webmaster or fix webmaster errors, then Google will index your blog at the time of igrore. Will not index your blog soon. So follow the webmaster and fix the errors.
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